I myself have had the obligation of writing notes for both myself and others. At some points I would find myself looking over my notes asking myself "what the heck does that say" or "what does this mean." I'm sure you have also come to this conclusion at some point. Here are some helpful tips and suggestions to help avoid this from happening again to both you and I.
- Be prepared and make sure you have all the materials you will need to take well written notes
- Pay close attention. Try to listen to the presenter and avoid any possible distractions. If you are in a classroom setting sitting away from friends always helps in avoiding distractions.
- Establish the way in which your notes will be taken. Make sure it is something easy for you to understand and write.
- Use abbreviations to make sure you don't miss any key points. For example, you can abbreviate people by using "ppl."
- Review and edit your notes after you are done. If need be you might want to compare your notes with someone who sat next to you.