Sunday, November 29, 2009

Chelsie Maddox - How To Write "Personal"

A great example of a “Personal” Business Writing I can give you is this blog. “Personal Writing” is simply a form of informal writing. Personal writing in business isn’t as informal as the everyday texting and instant messaging you and I do; however, in personal writing, shorter, simpler sentences are used unlike those in formal writings. To give you another idea what your “Personal” writing should be like, think back to those research paper you had to write in high school and college. Boy how I hated those things! I remember my teachers and professors constantly reminding the class, contractions were not acceptable. I have good news for you though, in this type of writing they are! You as many don’t(s), won’t(s), I’m(s), and can’t(s) as you want. Writing personal letters or emails is kind of like having a real conversation with someone, except it is in written words. Personal writing portrays your personality so don’t forget to be nice and polite. Also, remember not to talk too much about yourself and make sure that whatever it is you are writing about interests your reader. If you can remember these few tips I have given you, you will do just fine writing your next “Personal” letter.


  1. I really liked how you made the point writing for a personal business is like having a conversation with that person. You really explained the difference between an essay and personal writing good job.

  2. Great job using your own voice in this post. You may want to read over the paragraph a couple times to catch any grammar mistakes. Also, your graphic is not showing up. Try loading the picture again or using a different one. You did a good job on explaining the difference between personal writting and formal writing.

  3. I love your blog! the information that you give and the way you put it in this post is awesome. I want to see your image. Great job Chelsie.
