Monday, November 9, 2009

Nicholas H's Creating and Delivering Effective Presentations

Giving an effective presentation is a very important skill. Whether it is being used in the workplace or in a school setting the ability to give an effective presentation is necessary. An effective presentation is brought upon through good planning and preparation. This begins with the creation and planning of the overall objective of the presentation. Below are some tips that will not only help in the creation process of presentations, but also in the delivery of an effective presentation.

Creating the Presentation
  • Determine Purpose and Audience: What are you writing about? Also, whom are you giving this presentation to? Audience demographics should be taken into consideration when planning a presentation.
  • Keep Information Concise: Try to keep slides and overwhelming information to a minimum. Be direct and clear with your information.
  • Visuals: Use visuals to help convey the overall purpose of the presentation. Be sure visuals are clear.
  • Be Consistent: Keep all slides or visuals consistent to avoid any possible distractions.
  • Check Spelling and Grammar: Spelling or grammar errors can diminish the credibility of the presenter, be sure to look over your presentation.
Delivering the Presentation
  • Be Prepared: Practice your speech beforehand to help ensure a successful presentation.
  • Be Confident: Know your material and project confidence throughout your speech.
  • Speak to the Audience, Not to your slides: Avoid speaking to your slides and not the audience. This is very common in presentations and can be unknown to the presenter.
  • Pace yourself: Know your time limits; avoid talking to fast or to slow.
  • Be Interactive: Interact with the audience to ensure you have their attention.
  • Prepare for Unexpected: Always have back-up plans. You never know when the unexpected will occur. Always save your presentation on an alternate source.


  1. Good post Nicholas. The easiest way improve presentation skills is by volunteering do do them as often as possible so that you are comfortable presenting. Preparation and knowing the material is also key, however even if you know the material well you may still struggle.

  2. Nicholas,

    Great job on explaining how to create and deliver effective presentations. This is a very important topic for many students and professionals. Being able to give an efective presentation is a very curial skill for many professionals. I will refer to this post for future presentations. Nice work!

  3. more voice writing isn't academic need to tell your stories in addition to giving information
