Sunday, November 22, 2009

Chelsie Maddox - Resume and Cover Letter Writing

Where do I begin?

First of all, it is important to remember that a resume is the key tool used when trying to get a job interview. Don’t worry too much though, there aren’t too many rules used to write an effective resume. Actually there are really only three rules you need to remember. The first rule is of course; your resume should be well organized. Remember, no one likes to read a paper that is all jumbled around. Chances are an unorganized resume is just going to get tossed to the side and never even completely read or reviewed. Rule number two: detail, detail, detail! It is also important that your resume includes specific detail. Last but certainly not least, rule number three. This rule is included in almost anything we write. Can you guess what it is? If you guessed error free, you’re correct! Be sure to exclude ANY errors from your resume. Just as a mention earlier about an unorganized resume, “As Stephanie Hinson suggests, errors in a resume are the easiest reason to eliminate a candidate.” (Technical Communications 409) So just remember these three simple rules when writing your resume and you’ll do just fine!
There are a few other things you might want to know about resume writing. Like, there are different types of resumes. Let me tell you what they are and give a brief description of each.

 Chronological Resumes-summarize your experience and training in the order in which it occurred. (Begins with the most recent and goes backwards in time)
 Skill Resumes-emphasizes the experience and skills that qualify you for a position.
 Entry-level Resumes-used when applying for your first job. (highlights who you are as a person)

One last question you may have is “What exactly am I suppose to include in my resume?” Well, here is a list to give you an idea. Each of the types of resumes above share these features.

 Contact information
 Career Objective
 Education
 Experience
 Honors and Awards
 Activities References

Cover Letters
You may be wondering what a cover letter is. Well, a cover letter basically tells an employer about you. I guess you could say it is used to get the employers attention. You attract the employer by telling of your good qualities such as experience and high qualifications. It might be good for you to know that it is easiest to write your cover letter after you have finished your resume. This way it is easy to pin point the most important points. Don’t forget it is also important that a cover letter be well organized and error free; just as your resume!


Technical Communications in the Twenty-First Century
Dobrin - Keller - Weisser


  1. Great job Chelsie! I loved how your blog did not sound like I was reading an essay. I really makes reading these blogs not so bad. You did a good job pointing out the key components of resume and cover letter writing. Great blog!

  2. Love the blog. I think you made a great job giving the information in your own voice, the three steps that you talked about are very important. Great job!

  3. I was looking forward to reading this post because you can never learn too much about resumes. You did an excellent job explaining the different steps that are present in a resume. The first paragraph can maybe be broken down a little bit, for easier reading. Overall great post!

  4. i really liked the part about cover letters because a lot of people don't know what the cover letter is for. You really did a good job explaining that is for the job people to get to know you.

  5. Good job on your blog. I was particularly interested in your blog as we will all need to be able to write cover letters and resumes. Also, you did a good job including your own voice. Nice job.

  6. the information was presented well on resumes. it gives your opion and your voice. you also give very good information on the topic

  7. A good post on "Chelsie Maddox - Resume and Cover Letter Writing".

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