Sunday, November 15, 2009

Carolina M' Job Interview Tips

The tips that I just gave on the voki are short, but they work, these tips were given by two of my managers and myself. Both of my managers are hard to please, but they are good, one of them told me that eye contact was one of the best tips because it gives that kind of impression that you are sure of your answers, also giving an answer with details and not just a "yes" or a "no" for an answer. I think this is one of the best ones, if you do not know an answer to a question, then do not make one, it is better to tell them that you do not know the answer than lie; I have been in many group interviews with my manager, and I can tell you guys that lying are not going to give you the position. Before you go to the interview make sure you read about the company for some background, by doing that not only you are more prepare but also shows them that you are very interested in the company, this has helped me in the past when they ask me about the company, and I have an educated answer for them.
I hope these help for your next job interview, trust me some of these tips have helped me in the past, and I hope that the ones that I just learn with my manager can get me to the next level in the company that I am working for at this moment.


  1. I really like the tips in the voki about always making eye contact and never looking down. I also like the never making up an answer if you don't no the answer to the question. Lying is never a good thing specially in an interview if they find out your in big trouble.

  2. I enjoyed listening to your voki. It was straight and to the point. Great job!

  3. Great Voki! It was short and very useful. I agree with all the tips given and will use them for future reference.
