Monday, November 9, 2009

Luke C's Article Review

Lynn Gaertner-Johnston of Syntax Training contributes to a monthly journal that gives professional writing advice. The main article from the October/November journal is titled "Better Writing at Work: Don't let a Wayward Verb Weaken Your Writing." The article discusses very basic verb usage that many writers may not think about when composing business correspondence.

  1. Verb Agreement with a subject.

- The cost of benefits continue to rise.

- The cost of benefits continues to rise.

  1. Verbs that carry unnecessary words that can bog down a sentence.

- The Senator will be giving a speech on Monday.

- The Senator will give a speech on Monday.

  1. Choosing certain weak verbs can bring additional words that can clutter a sentence.

- I am getting through the lessons with much difficulty

- I struggle with the lessons.

  1. The usage of action verbs can wake up your sentences.

- Your work is inspiring to your students.

- Your work inspires your students.

  1. Using active verbs when it may seem only passive verbs are available.

- As can be seen from the attached schedule, there are no room for delays.

- As the attached schedule shows, there is no room for delays.

  1. Choose a verb that not only communicates past action, but is open to the future.

- We enjoyed having you has a client.

- We have enjoyed having you as a client. (Could be a future client as well)

Although these are very basic verb rules, they are very critical to the writing you produce while at work. It is always important to brush up on the basics!


Gaertner-Johnson, Lynn. "Don't let a Wayward Verb Weaken Your Writing."

Better Writing at Work. Syntax Training, Oct.-Nov. 2009. Web. 6 Nov. 2009.

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  1. Hi Luke,

    I think this is a great topic. You have clearly shown how to make sentences sound better by re-wording. You provided some great examples. I think you could have provided some more information on verb useage. You may want to check the content posted on the blog after submitting to check for any format errors. I also think you should give this blog a more proper title that discribes what your blog is about.

    Good job! This is very useful for future reference.

  2. Nice job on your review but you had some funny symbols that shouldn't have been there.
