Monday, November 16, 2009

Brennan H's Editing and Revison Tips

Revision and editing are two of the most important elements in the writing cycle. For me this part of the cycle gives me a hard time. Having good spelling, grammar, and correct format is essential to writing professionally. Once you have mastered this part of the cycle than you will be a master of writing. Revision and editing to most people are considered the same thing, but in reality they are different

Revsion is the processes of changing the design and content of a document. This means to make corrections to the layout of your document.

Editing is the process of changing your document to meet requirements of correctness. This means that editing is the process of correcting things like grammar, and spelling

There are some guidelines that I think are very important to the editing and revising portion of writing. I belive if people know what to look for when they revise and edited a paper, then they will be able to correct their papers more effectvly. Some key questions I think that you should ask yourself when revising a paper is,
• Does my paper make sense
• Does my address my audience
• Is my information presented in to show importance

One thing that I struggle with when writing a paper is trying to set up my paper in a way to make it make sense. Papers are meant to be read! Always remember that. If it does not make sense to you, then it probably does not make sense to everyone else. Do not make your paper to lengthy. Remember to much information and words can be just as bad as having too little.
After you revise your paper, you must edit your paper. When editing your paer always look to make sure these things are correct.
 Formatting
 Grammar
 Spelling
 Punctuation
 Capitalization
 Typography

Most people have problems with grammar, and punctuation. Making sure each sentence is grammatically correct, and making sure you have a period at the end of each sentenceis very important. I’m not saying to ignore every other editing factor, and focus on grammar and punctuation, but I believe punctuation and correct grammar are key factors in to making a document look and sound professional.

On an end note, I have a really good piece of advice. Always have someone double check your work. Remember, four eyes are better than two.


  1. Good job on your blog. Your information is very useful and is well written.

  2. Brennan,

    Nice Post on editing and revising when writing professional documents. This is a very important part of the writing process. You did a good job displaying the information and adding personal opinions and experiences. I also really liked your graphic. Great Job!
