Friday, November 20, 2009

Adam Vaniska's Professional Writing Conferences

There are Professional Writing conferences all over our country that take place almost every month. In this post, I am going to talk about a writing conference that took place in Chicago, this past May called the Chicago Business Writing Conference Program and as well as general writing conferences.

How long and where are writing Conferences?
A professional writing conference generally last two to three days depending on what is being discussed. The one in Chicago lasts two days. Writing conferences are usually held at the hotels’ ballrooms.

The Start
Typically, every writing conference will begin with some sort of meal. It all depends, some start with a luncheon, a continental breakfast, or a dinner. The Chicago Business Writing Conference Program started with a continental breakfast. During these dining times, registration occurs with the conference attendees. Having food there helps boost the attendees’ morale and gets them ready for an exciting two or three days of learning how to write professionally. This is also when networking occurs between the attendees.

What Happens?
Every Writing Conference will have one full day of activities and lectures. Activities are called Breakout Sessions at writing conferences, this gives attendees the chance to practice what they are learning while receiving help from the presenter and assistants. Attendees can select which sessions they would like to attend.

The Presenters
The presenters are usually world-renowned and are very good at what they do. The presenters are usually college professors, doctors, company managers, entrepreneurs and authors. At the Chicago Business Writing Conference Program, they had John Sturtevant who helped co-developed a business curriculum at Harvard Business School. The conference also had Steve Crescenzo, who was rated the number one speaker twice at the IABC’s World Conference. Having professional presenters come to the conference help distinguish the particular writing conference and it helps add credibility to the conference.

There is a variety of topics that the different conferences go over. Each writing conference usually has a particular theme that it goes over. The Chicago Business Writing Conference Program went in depth about the business side in professional writing.
Going to a professional writing conference can only be a good thing for you in your career.

Many people who go to these conferences, take away different skills that they never had before when it comes to professional writing.


  1. This is a great blog, I never knew that they did those kinds of conferences. I think everyone should attend to at lease one of this conference during their career. Great job!

  2. Great blog. I also never knew there were professioanl writing conferences. It seems like there can be alot learned over 2-3 days. This would be great for almost every profession concidering we all use some sort of professional writing, whether it be e-mails or memos. You may want to add some opinions and/or thoughts to this blog to make it more personal. Nice job!

  3. Great job! I love have the blog is divided into sections. And the sections that ask a question are great. Terrific way to bring your own voice into the blog. That has been difficult for me. Keep up the good work!
